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BSNR Spring webinar 2021
The Belgian Society for Neurorehabilitation (BSNR) invites you to their spring webinar 2021:
"Neurorehabilitation and COVID-19: a Belgian perspective"
Thursday June 3rd 2021 from 12:15 to 13:15 CET Attendance is free but registration is required. Register here
Long-COVID and its impact on daily life: a look beyond severity of the acute disease, Ass. Prof. Dr. Chris Burtin, PT (UHasselt)
Meaningful activities during COVID-19 lockdown and association with mental health, Prof. Dr. Dominique Van de Velde, OT (UGent)
Post-COVID as part of a PICS Care Pathway in rehabilitation, Dr. Nathalie Vaes, Neuropsychologist (RevArte, Antwerp)